Outreach and Missions

Hesperus Christian Academy - Meets here Tuesday - Friday and is a private Christian school available for children in grades K-12 . http://www.hesperuschristianacademy.org 

Christian Challenge & Master Plan - are two college ministries on the Fort Lewis College Campus in Durango. We support missionaries in both ministries. https://www.masterplanministries.net

Durango Pregnancy Center - This is an outreach to young mothers who are choosing to raise their child and not abort; we financially support this work. https://www.durangopregnancy.com

Manna - Is a ministry that we serve at every 5th Friday in a month that helps feed and care for those who are homeless or financially in need. http://mannasoupkitchen.org

Fort Lewis Mesa Fire Department - We serve those who serve us so faithfully. http://flmfire.org

Zambian Messianic Fellowship - We partner with this work in Africa that runs a Christian school for 195 street children, an orphanage with currently 22 children in it. They sponsor a radio and T.V. program that reaches 2.5 million people and help support 8 churches across Zambia. https://zamf.org

Victorious Life Ministries & New Life Church - Are a ministry and church that we support in India.

World Vision - We have sponsored child named Wendile that lives in Okhahlamba, South Africa that we have supported. https://www.worldvision.org

International Missions Board - Through the Lottie Moon Christmas offering, we help support missionaries around the world through this Southern Baptist missions agency. https://www.imb.org/lottie-moon-christmas-offering

Samaritan's Purse and Operation Christmas Child - We send boxes to children each year through OCC to help meet needs and reach children with the gospel of Jesus Christ. https://www.samaritanspurse.org/what-we-do/operation-christmas-child/

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